Subject: Thank you for the connection
From: Agnies P. - Financial analyst at -
To: Art Vandalay - Owner at Vandalay Industries
Date: June 5, 2013
On 06/05/13 6:20 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
Hello Art,
any special reason for the connection?
Have a good day.
On 06/05/13 6:53 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Art Vandalay wrote:
What are you expect from a bald, quirky, fatty and funny guy like me?... I'm just following my dreams and my fantasies, with a little humor and personal style. That's all.
A beautiful day to you, too.
On 06/05/13 7:11 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
As you say: you are not dangerous to me:) This was my question. Thank you for the colorful answer;)
Following dreams??! I do not understand.
I am more pragmatic...I try to plan my life according to surprising changes.
If you wanted to connect with somebody particular here in Zurich please let me know if I can help.
I do not see on Internet Vandaley but Is it yours?
On 6/05/13 8:07 AM, GMT-4 (New York City time), Art Vandalay wrote:
No, that website ( isn't mine.
For real, I'm a IT guy from Romania. I work here as a telecom manager for an american investment fund. Several years ago (almost 10 years..), me, the real guy, have made two more "fake" profiles in linkedin, to see how linkedin relationship works (what is / what is not visible for connections at 2-nd and 3-rd degree). I used two "genuine fakes" id-s to do that :) Art is one of them.
Next, I tryed to find other fake id-s in entire linkedin network, and I found some, most of them in USA. Not so funny.
In the mean time, other people asked the "fake-me" to connect, because they have a sense of humor and they liked the idea to have Art Vandalay as a connection.
Then, in the last year, I've experienced some dramatical changes in my personal life. I see everything different. Developping this fake profile gave my few happy moments. I somehow use the linkedin system as a facebook or g+ network.
I experienced some issues in last days, because of the linkedin staff (they deleted my picture on dailly basis, in the last week... because I was "too active" and I don't follow the rules, I suppose).
About "following dreams": did you ever tryed to connect to a person as-an-ideal, and cannot do that, because you didn't have any REAL posibility to connect to that person?... because of social taboos, or geographical distances, or languages / religion / belief barriers, let's say.
"Planning life"?... It sounds good in theory, but almost everytime you will plan something, you will find in "the real reality" something else than you putted in mind at the begginings. Planning increases chances of failure. You'll see.
Gabriel B.
On 06/05/13 9:51 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
ohhh, your answer shocked me but you invested so much time to explain...then I need to answer too:)
You said, that the connection was just "for fun" in this case I need to delete you. I am sorry but I am not a special or important and my connections list is real. I do not spend time on any chatting It is pure wasting of time. I do not like to lie and I do not make any fun of others. Your connection was done with not correct person:) Try to waste some times with "others".
Answering your question: no I never wanted to connect a person which is "impossible to connect". I am too small and all peoples which I want to have close to me are easy to access:).
No idea who you are and what was the true intention of the connection but I am to simple to even invest time to understand:)
I wish you all the best, take care.
On 06/05/13 10:08 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Art Vandalay wrote:
:) somehow, your answer is consistent with your line of job (1+1=2), so I understand your decision to delete me.
I wish you all the happiness in the world, from my heard. I don't know you, but I mean it.
On 06/05/13 10:28 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
thank you , but you are very correct "you do not know me". I try to make my life simple as much I can, but not 1+1 ...
On 06/05/13 10:38 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Art Vandalay wrote:
Of course, I don't know you. I thought you know what a joke is.
But, just you to know (and you can check...) there is in linkedin, for example, a man named Jean-Luc Picard, Captain in Starfleet, educated at Star Fleet Academy. If / when he will ask you to connect with him, first accept the connection, and AFTER that ask him if he know you. You will be surprised then, again.
On 06/05/13 10:45 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
I know what is a joke, but I do not have time to be a joke for somebody who I do not know.
The rest what you just sent, I can't follow...In fact I start to think I can be the 1+1 case;)
I AM ASKING YOU AGAIN: what you wanted from me?!!!
On 06/05/13 10:46 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Art Vandalay wrote:
Sorry for annoying you.
On 06/05/13 10:46 AM, GMT -4 (New York City time), Agnies P. wrote:
thank you ...
Beție în vremea holerei
coord. Constantin Ardeleanu, De la ciuma lui Caragea la Holera Balcanică
Desigur, faptul că modestul târg moldav al Tecuciului se află în ap...
Acum 4 săptămâni
3 comentarii:
intrigata si iritata la culme, dar politicoasa pana la final :)
e clar ca nu avea cum sa inteleaga pofta mioritica de conversatie fara un scop anume...
SuperG, mai stii acele versuri celebre?
"zise Zdreanta-n gandul lui
te facusi a dracului..." :)
@ Maestrul: Dap, intrigată rău cocoana, de aşa nesimţire. A lăsat străinu' să-i intre-n iatac, ca apoi să aibă de ce se simţi ofensată. Bine că n-a ţipat "viol", că nu mai avea mult.
... Şi nici măcar conversaţie nu-i ceruse Art să facă cocoanei...
in iatacul virtual :)
suna bine, trebuie pusa pe lista de licente blogosferice...
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