Un frumos articol în The Monday Morning Memo, din dimineața asta. M-a reconfirmat ca ceea ce fac şi ca ceea ce sînt.
June 12, 2017
Others judge you by the outcomes you achieve, but you judge yourself by your intentions. You judge yourself as God does. This is why I like you.
You have no power over the vagaries of your circumstances; to be in the right place at the right time is not a matter of skill, but of chance. But you try to do the right thing in the right way for the right reason. This is why I like you.
You have failed, but you are not a failure. You have succeeded, but you are not a success. You have tried and cried and laughed and struggled like a chick breaking out of its shell. This is why I like you.
You are wounded and broken and have ugly scars because you run to help those you love. When you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you do not quickly give up. This is why I like you.
You allow yourself to like people for the most ridiculous of reasons. You take your inspiration from wherever you find it. You have a strange sense of humor and you can laugh at yourself. This is why I like you.
You fall but you get up again. You are at your best when no one is watching. And you know how to keep a secret. This is why I like you.
One can love a person one does not like.
But what I hold for you is something else.
I see you as you are.
I see you real.
And I like you.
– Roy H. Williams