Farscape - Unrealized Reality [season four, episode eleven]. Fragment.
JOHN: Nice threads. Helps to humanize you. Makes it easier for me to sympathize with your problems. MAN: Time. [John tilts his head slightly, makes no response.] MAN: Time. JOHN: Zzup? MAN: Time. JOHN: Flies. MAN: Time. JOHN: Bandits. MAN: Time. [The man begins moving closer, John’s response taking on a harder edge.] JOHN: Wounds all heels. MAN: Time. JOHN: [singing] Rosemary and Thyme… MAN: Time. [John pulls a small pulse weapon from the flight harness over the EVA suit and fires.] JOHN: Zzup. [The energy of the pulse bolt freezes about a foot from the well dressed man’s face. The man looks… vaguely disappointed, turning he moves back toward the far side of the ice floe, muttering one more time…] MAN: Time. [John eyes the small pistol wryly.] JOHN: [to self] Either stop pointin’ guns at people or get a bigger gun. [John takes a few steps closer, almost following the well dressed man who appears to be examining the frozen pulse bolt, which is, itself, continuing in it’s flight… at a much subdued rate.] MAN: Time is… [Long pause while John takes another, disinterested look around.] JOHN: Infinite. [Clearly thinking of a better answer, giving it with greater interest.] JOHN: Relative. [The energy of the pulse bolt winks out as the well dressed man turns back toward John.] MAN: You are quite a simple organism to possess the knowledge you do. JOHN: You’re only sayin’ that ’cause you don’t know me. MAN: Time is meaningless and yet it is all that exists. JOHN: Very Morrissey. My name is Jo— MAN: Yes. JOHN: And yours is… MAN: Unimportant to our encounter. JOHN: [mirthless chuckle] Exactly. I love how you lay it out there, Einstein. So let me ask you, without… getting existential on me— why am I, why are we… here? EINSTEIN: You are present to perish, I am present to effect that outcome.
Aparent, trăim de-a lungul unui singur fir temporar. Chestia asta o numim, pompos, REALITATE. O considerăm imanentă, imuabilă, aşa ne e cel mai uşor sa ne-o reprezentăm, pentru a fi împăcaţi cu sine, prea multe întrebări existenţiale strică echilibrului interior. Însă potenţialităţile care-au dus la realitatea actuală ar fi putut duce, în anumite condiţii, la un număr infinit de realităţi alternative, unele din ele abia diferite, altele de-a dreptul antagonice cu aceasta. Cineva apropiat mi-a spus cîndva că ...trecutul se varsă-n prezent şi se transformă în viitor ca nişte coarde elastice, mişcătoare vibrant spre vîrf. [....]